Easiest Way of Federal Excise Tax Filing & Economic Service at TaxExcise.com

Efiling or electronic filing is submitting your federal excise tax returns online to the IRS directly from TaxExcise.com website. There are two ways to filing your federal excise tax returns. The traditional way is the offline way, where you manually fill in directly or through a tax preparer you file your returns. The other way is when you e-file through the internet. E-filing has become popular because it is easier, doesn’t require prints of documents, and can be done in less time!


New to TaxExcise:

Create your free user account by completing the simple form by telling us your name, email and phone…

Returning User:

Just login to the access your account dashboard.

Complete Your Business Information:

Add your complete physical address of your business, Employer Identification Number (EIN) and the tax related information.

Review Your Return:

Choose the tax form, filing period and the filing quarter. Start entering your tax information, review the information in consolidated summary.

Submit Your Return:

Choose e-file, pay the processing fee with your credit/debit card and submit your Quarterly Federal Excise Tax return for processing.

Acknowledgement in Inbox:

IRS acknowledgement would be sent to your registered email inbox. If you have subscribed for Text Alert, message will be shared to the cell number. You may print a copy of your Form 720 PDF any time by accessing your user account.